Booking a Suspect
Communication Equipment + Cash Seizure
Radios and phones are to be confiscated from suspects.
If they claim to have a lawyer on retainer we get that lawyer's name and call that lawyer for them.
Cash confiscations should only occur if the value is or exceeds 10,000 dollars. If you are arresting someone and they have 10,000 dollars or more in their possession you may confiscate this cash
Cash confiscations of any amount should always occur after you have caught a suspect for the following crimes: Sale of controlled substances. Any and all robberies. Selling of illegal firearms. Have them turn around and remove all masks, hats, and glasses and present you with their ID.
Take a screenshot of them with their ID in frame.
Use their ID information to enter them into MDT.
Search their name first in the report database section of the MDT to make sure they don’t have an outstanding warrant. If so, change the title of [WARRANT] in the report to [ARREST] and delete the warrant. Be sure to remember their jail sentence from that warrant as you will add this to their current arrest sentence when you’re done.
Go to Create New Arrest Report and enter in the suspect’s name. Title the report according to the template.
Search for the correct charges and enter them.See penal codes for help on charges.
Once you’ve added the applicable charge(s), relay the current charges to the suspect. Ask them how they would like to plead. You must always obtain a plea before you read a suspect their time and fine, so they may not change it the moment they dislike the sound of their times / fines. If someone has a warrant they are to be arrested and taken to a jail cell before they are read their charges and need to plea before being read their time and fine.
If they plead GUILTY:
Give them their fine amount. And submit the report through the MDT to fine them. You must inform them of how long they have to pay at the front desk of MRPD and if the fail Warrants will be issued for Failure to pay fines. An officer may give up to a MAXIMUM of 25% reduction. Lawyers are able to get up to 30% reduction and private lawyers may get up to 50% reduction.
To jail or fine someone you can do so on the MDT make sure you check if they need food, water or medical attention before you send them. Also double check if the suspects has a mugshot before sending them. If they plead NOT GUILTY:
Did they request a lawyer? If so, get one available for them via Twitter in city and/or Discord or if they have one they would like to use, contact them.
If lawyer is not available, notify high command and get the suspect’s name, discord name (email), and phone number. High Command will contact DOJ and set up a court case.
If the refuse to plea:
If after 10 minutes there is no legal counsel you must attempt to gain a plea, if a suspect fails to give you any plea and insists they will wait for as long as it takes, this will be treated as a automatic NO-CONTEST plea, meaning they understand the charges and later wish to contest them in a court of law, you will sentence them the recommended amounts and nothing more or less and go about your day. We are not to continue bickering or going back and forth wasting our time and theirs, send them off and write your report.
If someone requests a higher time for less fine or vice versa ask the highest ranking officer on duty for this to take any effect You then have to jail the suspect. An officer may give up to 25% off in time and 25% off in fines. If they wish for a plea deal one must increase and the other decrease.
Max jail time that someone can receive (total) without high command approval = 180 months
Anything above that must be approved by High Command, unless multiple warrants are being added together. Note: Warrant arrests may not exceed 400 months, unless approved by a Judge or SAST HC/Commissioner. Maximum fine should apply.
If you are serving a warrant AND arresting someone on new charges, you will take the total time and fine of both the warrant and charges all together, then make sure the total time is within the limit.
High Command (Chief, Assistant Chief, Commander, Sheriff, Undersheriff and Deputy Sheriff) may only approve up to 150 months for normal arrests. Any higher than 150 months you will need permission from a Judge and SAST HC or the Commissioners.
Confiscating Class II or III Weapons must only occur if you have seen the suspect with a Class II weapon on their back or in their hands. If it is in their pockets but has not been brandished or seen on their back you CANNOT confiscate it.
Time Served
You may give someone credit for time served in custody. Time served is generally defined as something the officer does that would cause the suspect to serve more time than usual. This does not include time in custody at Mount Zonah for treatment and time served in custody while they are consulting their lawyer. Time Served is a courtesy and can be given or not according to officer discretion. A suspect does not have the right to demand or request time served. They are also not entitled to it.
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