General Information
Law Enforcement personnel have individual responsibility for ensuring their conduct reflects the highest level of professionalism to which all SAST members must abide by.
LEOs may not excessively curse, be disrespectful, racist or behave in any hateful manner. Conduct that is deemed unprofessional is not tolerated.
LEOs not on classified assignment must identify themselves to any persons requesting Name, Rank, or Badge number. NO masks are permitted unless on classified assignments or you are utilizing swat gear.
LEOs cannot use any terms/comments that are derogatory. Whether intentional or not. Doing so will
l result in disciplinary action. LEOs must be respectful to all members of the public and other departments / government official’s. LEO’S must identify when asked for their badge number and name when wearing a badge / uniform. The only time it is acceptable to not identify too a member of the public is if revealing your name to someone will harm you or endanger your life or if you are on an undercover assignment.
Dating Policy
LEO’S are allowed to date inside of the same department. However you are expected to conduct yourselves professionally and do not allow your personal problems to become an issue in the performance of your duties. You are expected not to play favorites and treat everyone the same.
Whilst off duty you are still recognized as an LEO, it is your responsibility to make sure that you do not have any relationships or associations with any well-known criminals, repeat offenders or certain individuals that could be a conflict of interest to your LEO position
Do Not Play Taser Tag
A Taser delivers 50 thousand volts of electricity to someone, it is painful and not fun. Tasers must be treated properly by LEO’s. Remember there are actual incidents where tasers have exploded people's hearts.
Professionalism Off Duty
Whilst off duty you are still expected to behave in a professional manner, LEO’S will treat you like a civilian off duty and you will not receive any special treatment for traffic stops / crimes committed because you’re an off duty LEO.
Visual Appearance
Proper wear of the appropriate uniform for each LEO is a matter of personal pride for all Law Enforcement Personnel. Each LEO member has individual responsibility for ensuring their appearance reflects the highest level of professionalism.
LEOs are prohibited from Indecent, racist and sexist tattoos or brands that are grossly offensive to modesty, decency, propriety or professionalism. Tattoos that advocate a philosophy that degrades or demeans a person based on race, ethnicity, national origin or gender are prohibited. Face Tattoos are not permitted.
The act of a Law Enforcement Officer who unlawfully and wrongfully uses their station or character to procure some benefit to themselves or for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others. Including intelligence leaks and abuse of power.
All corruption will be thoroughly investigated and if there is evidence of a LEO committing actions that are deemed corrupt then LEOs will be terminated from their respective department.
To avoid corruption, LEOs may not give out police equipment, vehicles, weapons, uniforms or anything that you can obtain as an LEO, can not be given out or sold or hoarded for personal gain or the gain of others. This has severe consequences beyond termination. Additionally, LEOs may not steal from evidence for self-gain or for the gain of others. This has severe consequences beyond termination.
Metagaming / Power gaming
When you signed up for the flight into the city, you took an oath never to Metagame or Power game. As an LEO you hold a higher responsibility for investigating suspects the correct way without metagaming or power gaming.
You should NEVER use the muscle which allows you to see a players ID to find a user or who a user is for anything other than it being used in a staff ticket. Unless a suspect is wearing the exact same mask and clothing within the last hour of a crime they are not who you think they are. IF they have the same voice they may not be the same person. Do not ever use someone's voice as a way of positively identifying someone.
The use of someone's voice in order to positively ID them. The use of a script, function or other action that would force someone into doing something they would not normally do. Using server functions, scripts or actions to limit or force someone into an action that realistically would not be possible for example: Climbing ladders whilst dragging someone (both of your hands and legs would be on the ladder, how are you carrying them up / down the ladder?) Cuffing someone from the front forcing them to turn around (Taze them, cuff them on the ground if they do not face away). These are only examples of power gaming and power gaming is not just limited to these examples.
Social Media Conduct
Social Media (Twitter, and Discord) can be a useful tool, but careless posts can potentially have a negative effect on the reputation of your department.. Posting to your personal accounts while on duty should be in a professional manner and never contain controversial, or inappropriate language or images. Posts shall not contain confidential information, pending or closed investigations or prosecutions, or make statements concerning a person’s innocence or guilt. Do not share others personal information, incriminating photos, or pictures of active scenes. Remember, what you post off duty can be used against you. On or off duty, you represent your department .
SAST / SAPR shall not whilst on duty shall not involve themselves in arguments or “beef” on twitter between other citizens or between the departments and those who have been charged with a crime or just been charged with a crime.
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
Supervisor - LEOs who are supervisors either due to rank, designation or other reasons.
Command - A Trooper holding the rank of Master Sergeant and above
High Command - A Trooper holding the rank of Captain or above
LEO - A law enforcement officer of any rank or title within San Andreas
TIG - Time in Grade
CO - Commanding Officer, either due to rank or designation at scene
FTO - Field Training Officer
FTI - Field Training Instructor
Rank Chasing and why it isn't tolerated
Rank chasing is when any LEO of any rank demands or continuously asks for a promotion to a particular rank. If you are demanding or constantly asking for a promotion it won't be given to you, in fact it will result in the promotion being delayed or potentially you remaining at your current rank.
Continuing to demand / ask for promotions will result in strikes, suspensions, demotions and depending on severity termination.
We want people to work towards ranks and asking for advice on how you could potentially get considered for a rank or how you can work towards it are allowed, but in moderation, constantly asking about this can also be considered rank chasing.
Before being promoted to any rank you must have at least 14 days at your current rank. High Command choose when and if to promote you.
Lawyer Protocol
If a suspect requests a lawyer then they can negotiate the time and fine with the arresting officer which can work with the lawyers to reduce the time/fine as per follows:
Public defendants can request a deduction of up to 30% off the time and fine for a guilty plea. A private lawyer/ retained lawyer can request a deduction of up to 50% off for the time and fine for a guilty plea. NOTE - If you reduce the time by 30% / 50% then the suspect's fines go up by 30 / 50%, and vice versa for lower fines and more time.
Lawyers can not force you to drop charges, do not allow them to intimidate you in order to drop charges, you may inform the lawyer / doj member that if they wish to contest the foundation of which the charges are established they may do so in a court of law if their client wishes to do so.
Weapons License Revocation
A conceal carry permit class 1 / 2 weapons license should only be revoked if a suspect has used a firearm in a felonious act. Such as Kidnapping, Aggravated Battery Aggravated Assault , Attemtped Murder, robbery in the 3rd 2nd and 1st degrees or other felony crimes. This does not mean you can revoke a class 1 for reckless driving. You may revoke a class 1 if the suspect has directly used their firearm in the felony crime. You may also revoke both weapons licenses as the requirement for holding one is a no felony / misdemeanor record.
Revoking a weapons license is the officer's discretion, however repeat offenders should not be left with a valid class 1 weapons license.
Last updated