LEO Procedures
Patrolling officers do not require partners to go on patrol, however having a partner is encouraged. You should only be pairing up if there are 3 other units on duty that are on their own.
Officers are expected to take Trainees with them as partnerโs if there are no active FTOs.
Non-Solo Trainees are not permitted to patrol alone
Command+ reserves the right to remove solo patrol privilege if deemed necessary
Assignments / Districts
SAST Personnel may patrol statewide without restrictions.
Officers are permitted to break off assignments if another call comes or an emergency is declared
Rangers - Normally patrol the northern side of San Andreas and deal with calls further up but are within reason to patrol the city limits if active units for the SAST Departments are low in numbers.
There should only be a maximum of 4 Units responding to any situations at one time. These include things such as 911 Calls, and Pursuits
Exemptions to this would be more than 4 criminals, officer panic buttons or multiple shots fired.
Supervisors shall be provided upon request unless they are unavailable.
LEOโs of general duties may not customize the colors of their vehicle unless it is allowed within SOPS.
LEOโs must not go AFK in excess of 10 minutes without clocking off duty.
On/Off Duty
The following is required when you first come on duty and before you start your patrol
1.1. Ensure you have the required equipment
1.2. Ensure that the equipment you have is correct for your rank
1.3. Ensure you are wearing the appropriate uniform
1.4. Bring a healthy and safe attitude
1.5. Calling yourself 10-41 on Tac 1 / Radio 1
The Following is required before you go off duty and end your patrol
1.1. Ensure any potential evidence is in the evidence locker
1.2. Placing your police vehicles in the garage
1.3. Calling yourself 10-42 on Tac 1
All LEOs are not permitted to have their duty equipment/duty vehicles while off-duty
Loitering at PD
Make sure when you clock on duty, you are not just standing at MRPD. Make sure you are out on patrol! Make your presence known and make sure civilians arenโt just hanging at PD. We are a department for civil protection, not a bunch of hang arounds. Failure to respond to a Supervisor + asking you to go out on patrol may lead to disciplinary actions.
Commanding Officer
The Commanding Officer is an officer that is deemed in control of a scene/chain of scenarios
Any ranking officer may take control of a scene (Senior Officer +)
Initial officer on scene has the 1st priority to take control of scene
Supervisors/Command may step in to assist and guide scenes if deemed necessary
Vehicle Stops
Traffic Stop (10-38)
Below is how you are expected to conduct a standard traffic stop
Police may pull a vehicle over for any reason however it is usually done for traffic violations. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO SHOW PROOF OF THE VIOLATION. They may see proof in a court of law.
Enable your emergency vehicle lights and use a siren/takedown to signal the vehicle to pull over
Call over radio the following: (Badge #) 10-38 (Vehicle + Description) (Location: street and direction facing) (Yes/No additional needed) - DO NOT say you are in an active 10-38.
Run license plate of yielded vehicle (Check for active warrant/violent offender)
Walk up to the vehicle and introduce yourself and the agency. Gather the license and registration from the driver of the vehicle. (They are required to show their driving license, insurance information / certificate if you ask for it)
Walk back to your vehicle and check for warrants, check the penal sheet for proper citation/punishment for crime(s) committed.
Walk back to their vehicle and issue appropriate citations, then hand back license and registrations.
Return to your vehicle and turn off emergency lights, call (Badge #) 10-38 is Code 4
Felony Traffic Stop (Code 5)
Below is how you are expected to conduct a felony traffic stop
Enable your emergency lights and use sirens to signal the vehicle to pull over.
Call over radio the following: (Badge #) Active Code-5 (Vehicle + Description) (Location) (10-78s needed)
Stay in your vehicle and wait for additional units to arrive on scene
After additional arrive on scene all units will get out of their vehicles and point a mixture of lethal/less-lethal weapons at the car
4.1. Driver of the Primary Vehicle will have a less-lethal equipped and is to give commands to all passengers of the vehicle
4.2. Commands will begin with ordering the driver out of the vehicle, and walking into police custody, you will then do each passenger 1 by 1 until all visible suspects are in custody.
Non-Occupied Officers will then buddy up and move on the vehicle with lethal force drawn, giving commands to make any unknown presence known.
Officers will clear the inside of the vehicle and trunk, then call over the radio that code 5 stop is code 4.
Officers will clear the inside of the vehicle and trunk, then call over the radio that code 5 stop is code 4.
Robbery Protocol / 10-90โs
When attending a major crime general duties primary roles are the following:
Clear the surrounding area around the major crime and identify any externals.
Provide perimeter around the scene to prevent and third party from interfering (only when hostage is declared)
3. Establish a game-plan with the CO on scene
NOTE: Response to robberies need to coordinate with how many suspects are inside, first officer on scene/negotiator will determine how many additional units will need to respond.
When attending a Robbery, always look for a hostage. Set a negotiator, he/she will find the demands, the duration of heist/robbery, what weaponry is being used and what they can do to resolve the situation. The goal of the negotiator is not only to negotiate for the safety of the hostage, but to gather intel as they are the closest officer to the scene. KEEPING RADIOS CLEAR DURING ANY ROBBERY SCENE IS A MUST. THE RADIO SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR VITAL INFORMATION IN RELATION TO THE SCENE.
Once officers have arrived at the robbery The commanding officer scene will be responsible for taking command of the scene and will make the decisions on who will complete what task (Negotiator, 10-80 vehicles, placement of officers at the scene). Keep in mind that agencies have specialization for certain situations, utilize them!
Once the suspects flee, designated 10-80 units will take the pursuit. LEOs remaining on scene will secure the hostage and sweep the location to clear the facility of any other suspects. This will ensure the safety of people and property. Gain consent from the hostage before you search them.
You are authorized to detain the hostage to attain their ID and you are allowed to frisk them for your own safety. Prior to allowing the hostage to leave the scene, explain to the hostage that you WILL be conducting a frisk on their person. You are frisking the hostage to find any items in relation to the crime (currently we cannot frisk so it would need to be a search) you are ONLY to confiscate the items in relation to the crime. If they have consented to a search you may see all items in their pockets if it is illegal or not, be sure to get their permission for a search first. A frisk may use the same searching feature but you have to make sure they are aware of what is happening, if it is a frisk, or a full search. If upon a full search you find illegal items, you can choose to confiscate them and turn a blind eye and let them off without charges.
IF the hostage IDs back to someone with a warrant, you would detain them. Let them know they are under arrest, follow procedure as normal and arrest them.
If the scene has been cleared, you may join the pursuit if needed, or go back on normal duty. Do not ever leave the hostage without a ride to a safe location unless they ensure that they have a friend coming to collect or call a taxi for the hostage.
The FIRST officer on scene is the negotiator:
Request EMS if they are available to stage near the robbery at a safe distance and they can check on hostage while building is getting cleared and get hostages ID after
Get in contact with the suspects inside - Introduce yourself to the suspects and identify which department you are with - Your Rank , Name, Department
Determine how many suspects, what weapons the suspects are using, how many hostages are in the building and radio it in.
Hostage = 1 Demand Hostages = 2 Demands For 3 or more hostages the suspects can request 3 Demands. (NOTE - Safe passage to the vehicle is 1 demand. No Spike Strips is 1 Demand)
While negotiating, take pictures of them inside the bank/store as well as any vehicles and plates. (OFFICERS MUST BE IN FIRST PERSON EYES TO TAKE PHOTOS FOR EVIDENCE).
If you are doubled up in a vehicle, the passenger in the vehicle will take lead on getting photo evidence.
Response limitations to Scenes:
Robberies (Fleeca Banks/ Stores)
5 to respond, 4 for pursuit (You can add a 5th unit if there are 4 suspects in the vehicle)
PAC / Bobcat Response
8 Officers can respond to the bobcat if all officers go down there is no more to be involved.
8 Officers can respond to a PAC Robbery but is not a Kill On Sight Job (KOS) 5 May pursue the leaving vehicle but the extra 3 units can be around incase it become Violent/Hostile.
Air 1 if used in a bobcat for callouts is fine to attach but cannot land and become a extra ground unit as it exceeds the limit. If there is only 6 Officers attending you are free to land Air 1 and become the max limit. Once you have landed the Helicopter you are considered a ground unit and cannot get back into the helicopter to re-position.
Paleto / Fleeca Banks
6 to respond 4 for Pursuit
Officer Panic Buttons 2 Panic Buttons = All Units available to respond if officers have gone down in a shooting that isn't related to Bobcat or a Bank Truck
2 Panic Buttons = 2 more units to respond to respond or if High Command is on duty they may authorize an all unit response. If no high command is on duty 2 units to every panic button is standard response procedure. Remember officer downs warrant class 2 usage if required
At no point should any officer apart from High Command / Speed units be utilizing undercover vehicles. Speed Certification holders may only use undercover speed units when high command has approved of its use on a street race.
units on duty and only to perform undercover surveillance or work pertaining to a case.
Undercover vehicles should NOT be used for routine patrols or traffic stops but can be used to respond to an officer's panic button if they are the closest or only unit available.
As an FTO, you are able to train cadets from all departments.
Once there is an FTO of the same Department, they are to take the FTOโs duties regardless of rank as long as they DO NOT have a cadet currently. SAST FTIโs (Field Training Instructors) are not responsible for the field training of cadets but may choose to do so if they wish.
Last updated