Pursuit Protocol
Vehicle Pursuits (10-80s) Unit count - 4 units unless a 4th suspect in the vehicle. A 5th unit can be added.
When a pursuit begins, the following information must immediately be transmitted:
(Badge #) Active 10-80
Location and direction of travel of pursuit
Fleeing vehicle description
Traffic and Weather description
Amount of additional units required
The primary vehicle in pursuit is to be code 3 at all times during the pursuit. The role of the primary vehicle is to keep visual contact on the fleeing vehicle to make sure the suspect does not evade police.
1.1. Primary Vehicle is the only vehicle permitted to follow into opposite lanes of travel
1.2. As primary in the chase, you can deem it to be unsafe and call off the pursuit.
1.3. Your life and the lives of the other officers are valuable! You can catch the suspects at any time.
The secondary is to remain code 3 while actively engaged in the pursuit. The role of the secondary vehicle is to maintain communication and updates of the whereabouts of the 10-80. Secondary is supposed to manage and control additional units engaged in the 10-80.
IF the primary vehicle has a passenger, they will take communications for the pursuit, secondary is still responsible for managing additional units.
The third and fourth units in the 10-80 will play different roles depending on what is needed, as third or fourth you will be expected to parallel pursuits and attempt to control the fleeing vehicle. Unless attached directly to the 10-80, you need to be Code 2 and use sirens at intersections.
When in pursuit, nobody should be attempting to overtake the vehicles in the pursuit unless the vehicle in front has had a vehicle accident and to continue on the pursuit a overtake is needed.
1.1. Do not pass other units just to get in front.
1.2. Hold your position in the pursuit unless requested otherwise.
1.3. Special Units such as motor-1 and the speed unit should be primary
1.4. ALWAYS REQUEST to pass a unit, they will give permission to pass on left or right. Donโt pass the unit in front of you just because you are a โmore skilled driverโ or have a faster vehicle.
If you lose visual contact with the vehicle you must call VCB (Visual Contact Broken) over the radio and downgrade to a code 2 or code 1 status.
1 Unit = 1 Officer
Air-1 = 1 Unit (Includes Pilot + Co-Pilot)
Motor 1 = 1 Unit Speed 1 = 1 Unit (2 Units if doubled up)
If a hostages life is threatened to remove a specialist unit, Remove that unit until hostage's are clear and safe, And the pursuit is away from the initial scene. After this pursuit is away from the scene the units that have been called off can there re-join the pursuit
Emergency Vehicle 10-50
If you at any time need to return to the station to repair or replace your vehicle, you are out of the chase entirely. You may only re-enter the chase if you have repaired on the side of the road with a repair kit which you can purchase from a mechanic shop. Pulling out a new vehicle or using the station's repair bay and re-entering is a strikable offense and considered power gaming.
Motorcycle Pursuits
If you are unsuccessful at detaining a suspect whilst they are attempting to flee on a motorcycle and a vehicle pursuit is activated you are NOT to shoot the back tire of the motorcycle with either lethal or taser. Spike strips are also NOT authorized for the use of motorcycle pursuits.
You are to request the assistance of Moto1 should there be a vehicle pursuit, Moto1 should take primary in the pursuit with the secondary unit maintaining comms. If the vehicle slows or comes to a stop then you are permitted to taze the suspect off the bike.
You ARE authorized, if you are the passenger in the vehicle to taze the rider of the bike. I.e the vehicle pulls up beside you at a set of red lights, the driver puts the windows down and the windows must be VISIBLE down. You, as the passenger in that vehicle CAN taze the suspect off the motorcycle. This should not be done unless the suspect is being non compliant or taunting to gain a reaction from the officers. The vehicle should not exceed 5-10mph and for best practice and to avoid SOP violation, the vehicle should be stationary.
PIT Maneuver
PITs are authorized by Highest rank in pursuit or if air unit is in the pursuit they will authorize pits as they can see when safe DO NOT pit within the first 5 minutes of an active pursuit. Give the chase 10 Minutes before pitting (Unless the suspects have become very reckless and drive around the city with no care or attention to surroundings.)
1.1. Speeds must be at or below 80mph
1.2. Do not PIT at unsafe locations around traffic/pedestrians .
1.3. Do not PIT vehicles that are larger than your cruiser such as buses, tractors, bulldozers, etc.
1.3.1. Use Spike strips in this case, to disable the vehicle.
1.4. Understand PITS are NOT ramming a vehicle. It is a controlled way of disabling the vehicle. 1.5 A PIT must be requested for each attempt of a pit, you may request a pit if the vehicle is driving recklessly and or the driver is risking people's lives.
How to PIT properly: Line up your vehicle to one of the rear sides of their vehicle and turn into the fleeing vehicle gently so your push-bar makes contact behind the rear tire and spins the vehicle out. IF the PIT is unsuccessful, do not just try to PIT again! Wait a minute or two before going in for a PIT again. Refer to your training!
Foot Pursuits (10-70s)
When starting a foot pursuit, calling over the radio is extremely important. This will notify units on your frequency what is occurring. This will be needed if you wish for any additional units. Calling whether the person in a foot pursuit is visually armed, what they are wearing and the direction of travel on foot is important as there might be some units on scene who do not have direct visual contact on the person being pursued.
In the instance of a foot pursuit, follow the suspect to the best of your ability as well as maintaining safe distance and being aware of your surroundings.
If the chase has been non-violent and passive, pursue the suspect, use vocal actions to try and detain and prepare to taze.
If the Pursuit has been hostile and volatile, use initiative, pistol by your side and pursue with preparation to use lethal force.
If a suspect tries to obtain another vehicle in pursuit, prepare to taze the suspect and/or shoot out tires. Shooting tires should be the last resort.
If the pursuit ends in the ocean you can not arrest or handcuff a suspect in the water, you are also NOT allowed to taze a suspect who is wet.
It is ESSENTIAL to give call outs on your radio to ensure a smooth pursuit. DO NOT PANIC - Saying that you have no idea where you are or what direction youโre running is not useful. Your vehicle and radio are fitted with GPS. Give a rough location and the dispatch system will allow other officers to come to your aide and assist you quicker.
Last updated