State Trooper Department
The San Andreas State Troopers is a specialized department of professional and dedicated Law Enforcement whose main job consists of protecting and serving the community of San Andreas. They are designed to be a fast response to crime throughout the entire state of San Andreas.
Transfer Policy
When Transferring into different departments you require the following:
Hold the rank of Trooper
Have no punishment within past 30 days
Have NOT transferred within the last 60 days
Be considered by High Command
Keep in mind that each department will have unique requirements to join/transfer. You are only allowed to transfer TWICE, this means you can leave a department and then rejoin that department. This does not include specialist divisions as you would be recruited and not transferred. Specialist divisions are: CID / SWAT / GTF
Upon transferring to your desired department you are expected to adapt to additional SOPs and begin working assignments under your new command.
The San Andreas Park Rangers is a specialized Department that is dedicated to protect exotic and all wildlife that is within Los Santos, They as a department have more Jurisdiction over Sandy Shores and Paleto for hunting calls and fishing violations. Please see there SOP's for more information
Last updated